A Security Identifier (SID) is a unique identifier widely used in Microsoft’s systems, such as identifying users within Windows or within an Active Directory. The SID, a binary value of variable length, can also be represented as a string. This conversion is facilitated by the function ConvertSidToStringSid
, provided by the Advapi32.dll
library, exclusive to Windows.
Therefore, to perform this conversion, one can either use Advapi32.dll
(Windows only) or rewrite the conversion algorithm. Having this conversion implemented in a specific language, like Java, makes it universally usable. After extensive research, I found that most available implementations were incorrect, despite generally working. Hence, I decided to create my own Java implementation, rigorously tested for accuracy.
A string SID follows this format:
This syntax is formally defined using ABNF as follows:
SID= "S-1-" IdentifierAuthority 1*SubAuthority
IdentifierAuthority= IdentifierAuthorityDec / IdentifierAuthorityHex
; If the identifier authority is < 2^32, the
; identifier authority is represented as a decimal
; number
; If the identifier authority is >= 2^32,
; the identifier authority is represented in
; hexadecimal
IdentifierAuthorityDec = 1*10DIGIT
; IdentifierAuthorityDec, top level authority of a
; security identifier is represented as a decimal number
IdentifierAuthorityHex = "0x" 12HEXDIG
; IdentifierAuthorityHex, the top-level authority of a
; security identifier is represented as a hexadecimal number
SubAuthority= "-" 1*10DIGIT
; Sub-Authority is always represented as a decimal number
; No leading "0" characters are allowed when IdentifierAuthority
; or SubAuthority is represented as a decimal number
; All hexadecimal digits must be output in string format,
; pre-pended by "0x"
Each field corresponds to a specific byte group in the binary SID, as officially detailed.
The final Java algorithm I implemented is as follows:
public static String convertSidToStringSid(byte[] sid) {
int offset, size;
// sid[0] is the Revision, we allow only version 1, because it's the
// only that exists right now.
if (sid[0] != 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("SID revision must be 1");
StringBuilder stringSidBuilder = new StringBuilder("S-1-");
// The next byte specifies the numbers of sub authorities (number of
// dashes minus two)
int subAuthorityCount = sid[1] & 0xFF;
// IdentifierAuthority (6 bytes starting from the second) (big endian)
long identifierAuthority = 0;
offset = 2;
size = 6;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
identifierAuthority |= (long) (sid[offset + i] & 0xFF) << (8 * (size - 1 - i));
// The & 0xFF is necessary because byte is signed in Java
if (identifierAuthority < Math.pow(2, 32)) {
} else {
// Iterate all the SubAuthority (little-endian)
offset = 8;
size = 4; // 32-bits (4 bytes) for each SubAuthority
for (int i = 0; i < subAuthorityCount; i++, offset += size) {
long subAuthority = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
subAuthority |= (long) (sid[offset + j] & 0xFF) << (8 * j);
// The & 0xFF is necessary because byte is signed in Java
return stringSidBuilder.toString();
This algorithm was extensively tested by generating numerous SIDs and comparing the results with those from the original Advapi32.dll
conversion. For instance, the following test function was used:
private static void generateCombinations(byte[] sid, int offset) throws Exception {
String convertedSid, convertedSid2;
if (offset >= sid.length) {
convertedSid = Advapi32Util.convertSidToStringSid(new PSID(sid));
convertedSid2 = convertSidToStringSid(sid);
if (!convertedSid.equals(convertedSid2)) {
throw new Exception("Conversion Error: "
+ convertedSid2 + " instead of " + convertedSid);
for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i += 255/3) {
sid[offset] = (byte)(i & 0xFF);
generateCombinations(sid, offset+1);
You can download the complete code along with tests from the following link: https://gist.github.com/miromannino/04be6a64ea0b5f4d4254bb321e09d628